Conferences 2024-2025

Upcoming conferences

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PAST conferences

CELC - Canadian Engineering Leadership Conference

CELC serves 2 purposes 1 being that it is the is the annual general meeting of the CFES. CELC also allows students from across the country to learn and grow from each other and industry professionals⁠. See more here!

WHEN? January 1-7 2025

WHERE? University of New Brunswick

CDE - Conference on diversity engineering

CDE aims to develop knowledge surrounding the variety of individuals, cultures and perspectives found within engineering communities. CDE further aims to instil a notion of positivity and togetherness in creating spaces that value the differences between groups of engineering students and professionals.⁠ See more here!

WHEN? November 22-25 2024

WHERE? University of Western Ontario

Julie - A reflection on CDE


FYIC gives all first years an opportunity to develop their leadership skills while meeting other first years from other engineering schools in Ontario. ⁠ See more here!

WHEN? November 1-3 2024

WHERE? University of Toronto

PEO-SC - Professional EngINEERs of ontario student conference

The Professional Engineers of Ontario Student Conference is primarily focused towards preparing students in their final years of university for taking on the engineering workforce, starting to work towards their P-Eng and all the opportunities that are available to them.⁠ See more here!

WHEN? October 4-6 2024

WHERE? University of Waterloo

CALE - Conference on Advocacy and Leadership in Engineering

CALE provides a platform from which students can collaborate with and learn from our partners, sponsors, and fellow students. It also provides students with tangible real-life examples and advice on how to improve their personal and professional skills, their engineering societies, and their Faculty as a whole. ⁠See more here!

WHEN? February 6-9 2025

WHERE? Toronto Metropolitan University

Dauood - A reflection on CALE

Maddie - A reflection on CALE

CSE - Conference on Sustainability in Engineering

CSE is a Three day national conference to educate and engage engineering students on issues of sustainability and how they can tackle it within their engineering career and everyday life. See more here!

WHEN? February 20-23 2025

WHERE? University Of Guelph