Upcoming events

To register, click this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6bBLPOVd4BmGK_uYuNotqsxBuUw0GuF0wOgUeeK7PaBZU_g/viewform

Get ready for some friendly competition at the Paintball Battle Royale with Ontario Tech and TMU! Let's show them what Lassonde is made of!💪 🏆
⚠️ Register ASAP as there are a limited number of spots. Registration will close on March 3rd. (Link to be posted soon) ⚠️
📍 When: March 9th @6PM
📍 Where: Sgt. Splatters Paintball @ 54 Wingold Ave, North York, ON M6B 1P5
⚠️ Please be aware that you must sign a waiver, which can be done at the venue. ⚠️

Get ready for some friendly competition at the Paintball Battle Royale with Ontario Tech and TMU! Let's show them what Lassonde is made of!💪 🏆
⚠️ Register ASAP as there are a limited number of spots. Registration will close on March 3rd. (Link to be posted soon)⚠️

All candidates forum, on zoom: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/94865337532
Click here for the link: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/94865337532

SAGM Annual General Meeting
Calling ALL Engineering students, its that time of the year!
Join us on October 30th at 6PM in BRG 125 for our SEMI ANNUAL GNERAL MEETING to let your voices be heard and get to know the engsoc. There will be food, refreshments, and prizes to be won!

Advisory and Accessibility Committee Meeting
This is a chance for you to give us feedback on ways to make engsoc more accessible!